The 2015 leg of the IPL was barred with controversy. With match-fixing allegations and India’s exit from the World Cup did not help. The angry cricket fan had to be engaged with and his Television and Social Destination was to be changed to Sony MAX & Sony SIX.
With India Ka Tyohaar being the brand communication for 2015; we decided to involve the user in every part from the celebration. From building intrigue with ‘Tyohaar Ki Taiyyari’, to inviting users to be a part of our social celebrations, establishing the theme song and eventually getting users hooked onto their TV screens while clenching on to their mobile phones… just for good measure.
The celebrations went worldwide as the magnitude of Twitter conversations made us a trending topic across cities, nationally and internationally as well.
We did that while beating competitors and cross-category brands in social conversations.
Our interactive microsite ensured users saw the matches and tweeted us the ball-by-ball action and we gratified the loyal-most. With activities like Matchfie (game face selfies), #Expert140 (Tweet summaries of the match) & Stats Corner (Player infographics) we ensured that the user was engaged prior, during and post the match. And thus creating conversations around our brands 24/7.