So what do you actually do?

I build personalities for your brands.
Personalities that are more human than machine.
Unless your personality is a machine.
A money making machine pretending to be human.

Often failing, yet willing to risk looking stupid.
But putting in the work, grinding hard just to come across as more human.
Earning actual trust in the pursuit of perceived trust.
You go little robot! You’ll figure it out.

Hmm… I wonder how that robot would write.
And for the right amount of money,
in the right amount of time… 
I will figure it out for you!
I’ll build it for you.
I’ll show you how it looks.
I’ll orate how it sounds.
I’ll note how it reads.
I’ll count how it earns… brand equity.

I won’t touch you how it feels because that’s totally inappropriate.
We all need to draw the line some where.
I sort of operate in the family-friendly content zone.

But what about you?
Here I am blabbering about myself,
pretending that you’re not on this website
for the sole reason that I asked you to visit.

Regardless, I can sense the tension between us.

Let’s just get in touch if you’re so hellbent on building a cool brand.